Adventist Pocket App

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Introducing the Adventist Grid

The Adventist Grid, is an Adventist Social Network that will function just like the popular Social sites like Facebook and Twitter but with special functionalities specific to Adventists. We have locally tested it for 2 months and it is now ready to be deployed for worldwide use. The Adventist Grid will be a new feature/product in the Adventist Pocket App.

Why Adventist Grid? This social network will allow Adventists around the world to connect and interact in a Christian regulated network without interference of impunity and scam of the popular social sites. The site is purely dedicated for spiritual growth as we interact.

The social network comes loaded with the Bible and up to 14 Adventist Hymn books of various languages. This means, quoting/tagging a Bible verse/song in your post will be easy and make digital evangelism more effective.

Just like Facebook, the Adventist Grid will also have pages. The pages will be used by churches, choirs/singing groups, evangelists, fields and conferences among other uses.

Adventists will have video conferencing and livestreams through the Adventist Grid thereby eliminating the dependency on zoom meetings. The video conferencing and streaming features have special functionalities that will make sermons and Bible study presentations easier as the Bible, Hymnals and Sabbath School Lessons are linked.

The main aim of the Adventist Grid is to make social media more spiritual while maintaining the majority of the functionalities. We appeal for support to help us launch the Adventist Grid on the next update of the Adventist Pocket App. The Adventist Pocket App being a free app, has been helpful to many but it also collapsed due to huge server bills. As at the writing of this article the App has not been updated due to the bills and cost of running. Adding Adventist Grid will require even more funds. However, we already have strategized on how we will raise funds to sustain the project once the project is back on track. Your little donations can help us get back on track by using the methods below. Share this message widely and let's make it possible to launch Adventist Grid by end of January 2023. God bless you for taking time to read and share. 

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